How is Devotion to Mary manifested in the Lives of Trappists?

I am interested to know if the monks and nuns pray the rosary in common.  Also, could you explain the Trappist devotion to Mary and how this is manifested in your daily lives?


Each monk and nun bears the name of Mary (e.g., Sister Mary Catharine, Brother Mary Paul, etc) – and each of our monasteries is called by a title of Mary – Our Lady of the Angels, Our Lady of the Assumption, etc.  We have a sung commemoration of Mary at each hour of the Divine Office, and we conclude our day with the lovely “Salve Regina” sung in her honor.  Since we are choir for at least 4 hours each day for the Liturgy of the Hours, we do not normally pray the rosary communally.  We do this individually whenever we wish.

The Mother of God rightly means a great deal to Trappist Cistercians – our Constitutions end with this beautiful invocation of her intercession:  “May God grant that by the breath of the Paraclete, the monks and nuns may observe these Constitutions in a spirit of fraternal charity and fidelity to the Church, and so joyfully make their way to the fullness of love, with the help of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Queen of Citeaux.”