There is no single path to becoming a monk or a nun. Each of us must follow God’s individual call with patience and careful discernment.

We come from all ages, walks of life, and experiences, united by our shared belief in the power of deep, contemplative prayer and our pursuit of the centuries-old Rule of St. Benedict.

Becoming a nun or monk is a process—and a deeply personal one. Below, some of our Trappists brothers and sisters share their own stories in the hope that our words will aid others on the path to discern God’s will in their lives.

We invite you to read our stories and consider their relevance and resonance in your own life. If you would like to learn more, you are invited to speak with one of our vocation directors or read some of the frequently asked questions.

Sister Maria
Our Lady of the Angels

Sister Karen
Redwoods Monastery

Sister Myra
Our Lady of the Mississipi

Brother Paul
Guadalupe Abbey

Father Isaac
Genesee Abbey

Brother Elias
Genesee Abbey

Sister Francesca
Mount St. Mary’s Abbey

Father James
Holy Cross Abbey

Father Bernard
New Clairvaux Abbey

Brother Francis
New Clairvaux Abbey

Brother Nicholas
New Melleray Abbey

Brother Christopher
New Clairvaux Abbey

Brother Efrain
Holy Cross Monastery

Brother Gregory
Gethsemani Abbey

Father Joseph
Mepkin Abbey

Brother Mikah
St. Joseph’s Abbey

Sister Harriet
Mississippi Abbey

Brother Joseph
Gethsemane Abbey

Mother Sofia
Mount St. Mary’s Abbey

Sister Kathleen
Mississippi Abbey

Brother Clement
Mepkin Abbey

Sister Madeleine
Mississippi Abbey

Contact a Vocation Director to learn more about the Trappists or pursue your vocation.