The Gospel for Easter Saturday (Mk 16:9-15) presents three accounts of the Lord’s Resurrection appearances. I like to consider this speculation from Caryll Houselander in The Risen Christ:
After his Resurrection, Christ showed himself to his friends five times, which are recorded. But what was he doing, where was he during the rest of the forty days? We may guess that he visited many unknown people; he may have gone to the slums of Jerusalem, the prisons, the caves of lepers. He may have been suddenly among children, playing with them, not recognized for who he was, but not questioned either. But this is guesswork. St John simply tells us that “there are many other miracles Jesus did in the presence of his disciples, which are not written down in this book …” (Jn 20:30).
May the Risen Christ in our midst increase our faith and soften our hearts (Mk 16:14). We are commissioned: Go into the whole world and proclaim the gospel to every creature (Mk 16:15). May Saint Peter and Saint John intercede for us, so that we be courageous in our witness to the faith.