Br. Christopher reflects on Mary’s Month:  “Traditionally the month of May is known as ‘Mary’s Month’ among Catholics, a time of devotion and reflection on Our Blessed Mother.  For some, Catholics are too focused on Mary, to the exclusion of Jesus, they say.  Oh, how wrong headed they are!

If we truly want to know Jesus we must look at Why He came, what He has done for the human race: He came to unite us to Himself, human and divine, to unite us to His Divinity through His humanity.  He achieved this goal in a superlative way in the one with the most unique and special relationship with Him: the one He choose to by His own human mother.

Truly, in Victorious Triumph, He has laden His mother with incomparable graces: Conceived without the stain of original sin & preserved by special grace from personal sin all through life; Virgin Mother of Our Lord and God by the overshadowing of the Holy Spirit; Virtuous and faithful to Jesus beyond all others, even to the foot of the Cross; Assumed Body & Soul into Heaven; Reigning with her Son the King as Queen of Heaven and Earth; and as such, Mediatrix of All Her Divine Son’s Graces; Mother of all the Faithful in Christ, and the list goes on and on.

We may want to say, “It’s too much!  Keep within bounds!”  I can only imagine God the Father replying, “You must have confused Me with someone else; I KNOW NO BOUNDS!!”  It is God Himself, Limitless and All Generous, Who wishes to show us what He can do through His Beloved Son.  It is Jesus Who is Glorified by this stupendous outpouring of Gifts on His humble handmaid.  In Mary God wanted to give an unforgettable example of His Power and Boundless, unwarranted LOVE!!

Is it any wonder Mary is so magnificent, since she is the one most united to Christ?  Are we jealous?  Are we trying to pull her down to our lowly human expectations, rather than God’s Unfathomable Generosity?  ‘Am I not free to do what I want with My own goods? Or are you envious because I am generous?’ (Matt. 20:15).  In Mary we witness the Generosity of God and the Love & Power of Christ.  Rejoice!  Sing Praise!  Let God’s Goodness by known!  Proclaim Mary far and wide! Alleluia!