Daily Reflection for June 7, 2018

Having withdrawn to the solitary life he made the same prayer again and he…

Daily Reflection for June 6, 2018

While still living in the palace, Abba Arsenius prayed to God in these words,…

Daily Reflection for June 5, 2018

It was revealed to Abba Anthony in his desert that there was one who was his…

Daily Reflection for June 4, 2018

Amma Sarah said, "If I prayed God that all people should approve of my conduct,…

Daily Reflection for June 3, 2018

Lord, whither do you draw those whom you thus embrace and enfold, save to your…

Daily Reflection for June 2, 2018

Be who God meant you to be and you will set the world on fire. -St. Catherine…

Daily Reflection for June 1, 2018

For the eye to be simple, love must exist in our intention and truth in our…

Daily Reflection for May 31, 2018

Abba Anthony said,'The Gospel says, "if anyone strikes you on one cheek, turn…

Daily Reflection for May 30, 2018

This is the day the Lord has made; let us exult and rejoice in it. Let us exult…

Daily Reflection for May 29, 2018

Testing of group of seekers on a text of scripture each gave his opinion as he…