Two new junior monks at Our Lady of Gethsemani Abbey

Brothers Abel, Joseph make simple profession

During Sunday Chapter on Aug. 5, Brothers Abel and Joseph vowed obedience, conversion of manners and stability to the Abbey of Gethsemani for one year.

Br. Joseph receives a copy of the Rule of St. Benedict after making vows.

After writing their vows in their own hand, the novices read them aloud to Abbot Elias, signed them and handed the document to him in the presence of all the brothers.

As an outward sign of this commitment – known as temporary or simple profession – they exchanged their white scapulars and cinctures of the novitiate for the black scapular and leather belt of the professed.

Each brother was also given a copy of the Rule of St. Benedict, which lays out the monastic way of life.

Br. Maximilian welcomes newly professed Br. Abel.

As junior monks, they will take on greater levels of responsibility within the community. They will be given work assignments and their studies will take a different direction.

Lasting one year, simple profession is renewed annually for at least two more years before a brother is eligible to request solemn, perpetual, vows.

Please join us in praying for our newly professed brothers as they enter this new stage of formation.

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