Silver Jubilee of ordination for novice Fr. John Vianney

On May 21st, the monks of Genesee Abbey had the gala celebration of our novice, Fr. John Vianney (Gregory) Hamill’s 25th anniversary of priestly ordination. For the first time since his entrance the monastery two and a half years ago he was principal celebrant at the Mass and gave his inaugural homily. This was followed by a feast day dinner in his honor. In good Trappist style he did his duties in the specialty bakery in between.

Fr. John Vianney was born in Philadelphia and was ordained for the diocese of Philadelphia. Among his assignments was that of pastor of Sacred Heart parish in Oxford, PA for six years.

The previous weekend he welcomed family and friends, including his lively 90 year old mother, for a family celebration. He said private Mass for them at Bethlehem Retreat House followed by a home cooked festive meal worthy of the occasion at Bethany House. Ad multos annos, Fr. John Vianney!

On August the, Feast of the Transfiguration, he will profess his first vows as a junior and move from the novitiate to the professed side of the house.