New abbot gets blessing confirming his role
On Aug. 10, Denver Archbishop Samuel J. Aquila gave the abbatial blessing confirming Father Charles Albanese as abbot of St. Benedict’s Monastery in Snowmass, CO. Father Albanese, 68, is the third to serve as abbot of St. Benedict’s. Founded in 1956 the Abbey is now home to 11 monks ranging in age from 30 to 88. Dom Charles succeeds Father Joseph Boyle, abbot from 1985 until his death last October.
Father Albanese was elected by his brother monks in January and installed in office by Abbot Damien Carr, abbot of St. Joseph’s Abbey in Spencer, Mass., shortly thereafter. The abbatial blessing, however, is typically conferred by the local bishop.
Father Charles was born and reared in Brooklyn, N.Y. He joined the Air Force in 1969 after graduating from high school. After his discharge from the military in 1975 he continued visiting monasteries in the U.S. and, captivated by the spectacular mountain location and the small size of the community, he entered St. Benedict’s in 1977. Dom Charles made his solemn profession of vows in 1983 on the feast of St. Benedict and was ordained to the priesthood in 2005.