Fr. Jean De Dieu enters Gethsemani novitiate as Fr. Raphael

The Abbey of Gethsemani joyfully received postulant Fr. Jean De Dieu into the novitiate on April 19, Divine Mercy Sunday. During Chapter, he received the novice habit and a new name – Fr. Raphael.

Asked by Fr. Elias, “What do you seek?” he replied, “The mercy of God and the Order.”

After a brief exhortation based on a reading from the Rule of St. Benedict, the abbot gave Fr. Raphael the white robe, scapular and cincture of the novice.

The Second Sunday of Easter is also known as Dominica in albis depositis – as traditionally the newly baptized would put away their white baptismal robes and integrate into the Church on this day. In this case, Fr. Raphael traded his white postulant smock for the white novice habit.

As a novice, Fr. Raphael will take on new duties and further integrate into the community.

Please pray for Fr. Raphael and all our Order’s monks and nuns in formation.

New novice Fr. Raphael with Postulant Jamison and Br. Godric

Do you think you might have a vocation to the Trappist life? Are you curious if the Abbey of Gethsemani might be the place for you? Contact Gethsemani’s vocation director via this site or email Fr. Anton directly at You can also visit their website at