New Clairvaux Abbey re-elects Abbot Paul-Mark Schwan for a six year term

On January 11, Father Paul Mark Schwan completed his second six-year term as abbot of New Clairvaux Abbey in Vina, CA, and the same day the monks of New Clairvaux re-elected him for another six-year term.  Father Mark Scott, the retired abbot of New Melleray Abbey in Iowa presided at the election, having been delegated by New Clairvaux’s Father Immediate Father Elias Dietz, the abbot of Gethsemani Abbey, New Clairvaux’s  motherhouse.

Fr. Paul Mark is a native of North Dakota.  Before his abbatial office served the community as Novice Director and Vocation Director.



Fr. Paul Mark receives congratulary hug from fellow monk in cowl