At Mepkin Abbey Jophan receives the Sacrament of Confirmation and Novice Habit

Mepkin Abbey:  On Tuesday, January 26th, the Feast of the Founders of the Cistercian Order (St. Alberic, St. Robert, and St. Stephen), our brother Jophan celebrated a big day in his life. At early morning Mass for the Feast, Jophan professed faith in the Roman Catholic Church and also received the Sacrament of Confirmation from Father Joe and thus entered into full communion with the Catholic Church.

Fr. Joe anoints Jophan in choir

In the evening at Chapter, Jophan expressed his desire to take the novice habit. The ceremony began with the reading of the Rule of St. Benedict by Father Kevin and a homily from Father Joe. Father Jonas sang a litany of prayers with the community responding, during which Jophan was clothed with the novice habit. At the end of the ceremony Father Joe announced that Jophan had chosen the name Ambrose and would from now on be known as Brother Ambrose.

Reading of prayers in Mepkin Chapter as Jophan looks on