St. Benedict's Monastery Bookstore Available Online

St. Benedict’s Monastery in Snowmass, CO, has  a wide selection of new books and gifts, including titles in monasticism, centering prayer, Ignatian spirituality,  spirituality and the contemplative life. The works of Fr. Thomas Keating are always in stock and available. In addition, a selection of fine art, icons, candles, and religious gift items, candies, Trappist Preserves, honey produced by the Monastery bees, and correspondence and greeting cards are available.

woman browsing in Snowmass Bookstore

Can’t come in? Our online bookstore is always open at, and items purchased can be sent directly to you. Your questions and suggestions are always welcome at our email address

The Monastery bookstore is now open daily from 8:00 A.M. to 8:00 P.M.