US Juniors Convene at St. Joseph's Abbey

The junior Trappist brothers and sisters of the United States region gathered for their Junior Seminar from April 24 through May 6. The conference is an annual event for Trappists still in simple vows to gain theoretical knowledge about the monastic tradition, to experience life at another OCSO monastery, and to share experiences with their peers in the Order.

US Region Junior monks and nun converse at Junior conference 2023St. Joseph’s Abbey, located in Spencer, Massachusetts, hosted the 2023 Junior Seminar, which included Junior monks and nuns from eight monasteries of the US region.  They were there for two weeks of presentations as they continue their preparation for solemn profession. During the first week, the noted medieval scholar Marsha Dutton spoke about the writings of our Cistercian father Saint Aelred of Rievaulx. In the second week, Father Simeon gave classes on the Christology of the Fathers of the Church. These young Cistercians have found their hearts’ desire in following the Lord Jesus intimately. Their joy and ardor filled us with hope.

They returned to their monasteries with new friendships and a wider perspective of their vocation within the Order and the Church.