Finding Meaning in the Words of Our Forebears

Trappist brothers and sisters invite you to find inspiration and meaning in the words of the desert fathers and mothers who led lives of extreme austerity to become closer to God, and in the sayings of early Cistercians and modern Trappists whose lives and teachings shaped our order.

From the Desert Fathers and Mothers
Around the third century AD, a movement comprising thousands of people chose to live an austere and holy life in the deserts of Egypt as a precursor to modern Christian monasticism. Alone or in small groups, they pursued God. Some produced words of wisdom that resonate today.

From the Cistercian Fathers
In 1098 a group of monks, wanting to live the Benedictine Rule more carefully, founded a new monastery, which was eventually called Cîteaux. From this one monastery a large family of monasteries descended. Throughout the 12th century monks and nuns, our spiritual fathers and mothers, wrote about this new venture.  You can read selections here.

Teachings of Modern Cistercians
Trappists living in our times draw on our rich history, their own experience as well as the context of modern life to provide wisdom and inspiration.