Dedication of reconstructed medieval church at New Clairvaux Abbey
On July 2nd, the 63rd anniversary of the founding of New Clairvaux Abbey the Most Rev. Jaime Soto, Bishop of Sacramento, joined the monastic community and invited guests to preside at the official dedication and consecration of the new church and altar. Mass included sprinkling the walls and altar with holy water, anointing with oil and incense.
This was a day long hoped for and desired, the conclusion of so many peoples efforts, support, prayers: The 800 year old gothic medieval stones of Santa Maria de Oliva Abbey in Spain, which had been dismantled and shipped to America in the 1930’s and acquired by the monks in the 1990’s, are now reconstructed and resurrected as the Abbey Church of Our Lady of New Clairvaux, Vina, California, USA. Deo Gratias!