Sr. Gertrude's Authors New Book on English Benedictine Cardinal Basil Hume

Sr. Gertrude Feick, a Trappistine nun at Redwoods Monastery in Whitethorn CA has just published a new book, Cardinal Basil Hume: A Pilgrim’s Search for God. The publisher is Gracewing Ltd., and is also available for order on Amazon, and on Amazon Smile a portion of the price will go to the charity you designate.

This timely volume marks the twentieth anniversary of the death of Cardinal Basil Hume (1923–1999), a Benedictine monk of Ampleforth Abbey and the Archbishop of Westminster. Hume’s Benedictine spirituality and his personal dedication to prayer gave him the ability to relate to other pilgrims who seek the living and true God. Hume, the monk, pastor, and preacher, still speaks to contemporary Benedictines, the wider Church, and the world. Even though, as Hume stated, ‘In our public life we move further and further away from God and the things of God’, he added, ‘in the hearts of men and women I believe that the yearning for God is becoming more and more intense’. That yearning, as this book demonstrates, was at the core of Basil Hume’s search for God—for Hume, the way of a pilgrim.

To view an article on Sr. Gertrude’s book by Vatican News, please visit: