Abbatial Blessing of Dom Vincent

Dom Vincent Rogers received his abbatial blessing at St. Joseph’s Abbey in Spencer, Massachusetts on October 1st, 2020.  He had been elected abbot of the Spencer community on July 23, 2020 , succeeding long time abbot, Dom Damian Carr.  The blessing was given by Bishop Robert McManus of Worcester and attended by Mother Sophia & Sr Klara of Mt. Saint Mary’s Abbey.

Abbatial Blessing of Dom Vincent, new abbot of St. Joseph's Abbey: portrait of Dom Vincent with pectoral crossDom Vincent is 67 years old and was born in Santa Monica, California. He is a graduate of the University of California where he majored in engineering, psychology and education. After college, his employment pursuits included teaching junior high in South Boston. He entered our monastery in 1977; made his solemn profession in 1986 and was ordained a priest in 2010. Dom Vincent is a monk of prayer and silence and great generosity, who has a deep devotion to Our Lady and Saint Joseph. Having served for many years as director of The Holy Rood Guild, the monastery’s liturgical vestments industry, Dom Vincent is completing ten years as abbey cellarer, the monk in charge of all the temporalities of the monastery. Thus, he brings many organizational skills to his new work as superior of our community. Like the early monks of our Order, Dom Vincent embodies the monastic charism as “a lover of the brethren and the place” who truly “prefers nothing whatever to Christ.” We rejoice heartily in this new leadership. Please join us in praying for Dom Vincent as he commences his new and hope-filled ministry as abbot of Saint Joseph’s Abbey.